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Team Microbigals

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Get to Know Us!

Microbigals is a science communication platform dedicated to bringing a better understanding of the microbial world and the latest scientific discoveries to all those affected by them - and that means everyone! Our team of passionate writers and scientists believe that by making science accessible and understandable, we can help bridge the gap between the scientific community and the general public.  As more discoveries about how important microbes are to our lives and the world, having a better understanding of their roles will become increasingly vital for all of us.


To help us understand from their point of view, we've even got some microbial teachers from the Society of Symbionts who give us a microbial perspective of the world! As they teach their microbe students how to thrive and survive in our shared world with the Giants (that's us!) we all strive to bring you the most exciting and relevant scientific news, while also making sure it’s accurate and easy to understand. Join our team as we explore the latest and greatest Microbiology history, careers, fun facts, scary stories and ties to our favorite holidatshows and movies! 

Meet  Team Microbigals!

We'd Love to Work Together!

If you have a project and would like to collaborate please reach out! 

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